Wednesday 23 March 2011

Hot Sauce Style

Anytime Angela wears a bikini or swimwear for online catalogs will get my undivided attention!!

These were shot for the 'Hot Sauce Style Summer Collection' a few years ago - but even if these styles are out of fashion now, seeing a beautiful woman wearing them is definitely NOT!

I have a total of 41 pictures (including the above) from this shoot on my Picasa Web Album so feel free to check them out.

Of course, I personally prefer seeing Angela wearing hi-cut bikinis to show off her amazing legs & fabulously toned body - but 'beautiful' is still 'beautiful'!
(sigh... I'm so addicted to her, it's pathetic! LMAO)

PB Busty Babes - Feb, 2011 (pt 2)

These stunning & sexy pictures are definitely NSFW!!

These are samples from the 4th set of pictures shot by Josh Ryan for Playboy last year - check out the promo page (link below) for a few more sample pics.

It's worth buying a subscription to Playboy Girls network just to see all the pictures & movies of Angela - the epitome of the word "Sexy" (or should I say '00Sexy! LOL).

Click here for more sample pictures.

Monday 21 March 2011

J Valentine Collection

Some of the better pictures I can find from Angela's catalog shoot for "J Valentine" back in 2009...

The resolution on these are not great but I am always on the hunt for better quality pics. If anyone knows where I can find hires pics of this shoot (or any others for that matter!) please email me at

"No matter what the ravages of time may do to us, pictures make us immortal."  (me!)

Friday 18 March 2011

Shirley of Hollywood

Angela finally got a gig modeling for Shirley of Hollywood last year - way overdue in my humble opinion!

I mean, come on people... Every single fashion label manufacturer out there should be using her coz no-one looks better in their lines! Then again, those other models need to work too... LOL

The above pics are just a sample - there are a total of 40 images (including the above) on my Picasa web album for the rest Angela's shots for 'Shirley of Hollywood'.


Tuesday 15 March 2011

Top Rock / The Stephens Collection

Multi-talented photographer Josh Ryan shot Angela for the Top Rock catalog line (a.k.a. The Stephens Collection) in early 2010.

There are a total of 48 pictures (including the above 12) on my Picasa web album...

Top Rock web album

I think EVERY clothing, lingerie & bikini manufacturer should use Angela for their product catalogs - let's face it, Angela could make a hessian sack look sexy!!

(but I'd rather see her in a bikini or lingerie... heh heh!)